A Journey Into Our Selves


Have you ever said or have someone say to you

“A part of me is really not wanting to do that”
”A part of me is feeling very excited about this”?

Most of us experience voices inside of us that whisper or perhaps even scream at us trying to get our attention. We are all complex individuals. We are all born with a myriad of energies dancing in our psyches, which I refer to as our inner ‘selves’.

These selves often grow to protect us from uncomfortable feelings and or situations. As children, we test our different selves to see what reactions we might get from our parents or caregivers. We determine which selves work better to get what we want.

The selves that get the reactions we most desire are the selves that become our dominant personality. These are referred to as our Primary Selves. This is how others see us. On the other side of every Primary Self is an equal and opposite self, which we call Disowned Selves.

I will be posting thought provoking articles about our Selves in our SW Musings. This work has been life saving for me and I hope that some of you may find delicious nuggets to savour on your own journeys.

My Coaching/Mentoring practice incorporates processes that are based on the work of Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, who, over 35 year ago, began to explore and develop The Psychology of The Aware Ego and the Voice Dialogue method. The Voice Dialogue process is accepting, honouring, respectful and non-judgmental.